Thursday, November 29, 2007

Order of the Arrow and Pizza Party

Calling all Arrowmen! Let's have a party and celebrate the holiday season. Order of the Arrow is having a Pizza Party, December 13, 2007 at 7:30pm. The cost is $5.00.

OA dues are once again due before December 31, 2007. Your 2008 dues are $12.00 and after December 31, 2007 they are $14.00. Getting your dues in on time is a really big item for getting Quality Chapter of the year. So ask the members in your unit to get their registration in on time for 2007.

Look for your next issue of the Mitigwa Chief, you will find information in there for the Winter Banquet. Mark you calendars for the banquet - January 5, 2008.

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